At the Executive Leaders Network event in September, Sonin MD Paul Jarrett held the preparing your business for the post-app era presentation. Attendees at the event included CIOs, CISOs and CMOs. The majority of them were interested in how they can leverage mobile to better engage and interact with their employees.
As we discussed in our webinar: Mobile at the Heart of the Consumer Experience, it’s no longer enough just to have an app. Your users expect a seamless experience too. At the event, Paul spoke about how the post-app era widens the scope of enterprise mobility. And more specifically how it allows businesses to improve internal processes and increase efficiency.
Throughout the day, we spoke to a lot of people about how the post-app era isn’t the end of apps. But in fact the evolution of how we interact with them. We challenged traditional metrics, such as time spent in-app, and suggested the post-app era points towards a time when the majority of a user’s experience takes place outside of the app.
At the Sonin stand we discussed with businesses how, if they wish to succeed in tomorrow’s digital world, they need to embrace digital transformation and the post-app era. Attendees to the event were interested in what the future of mobility holds and how they can integrate mobile into their marketing strategies.
During Paul’s presentation, we discussed the differences between apps and websites. Whereas apps are far more task-specific with a focus on letting the user get their job done as quickly as possible. We explored how, in the post-app era, more and more businesses will take advantage of emerging technology. Including voice recognition, push notifications and the IoT to streamline their users’ experiences. This shifts the focus to what service the app is providing. And more specifically how quickly you’re letting the user complete their task, even if this means never opening the app!
After the talk, we opened up the floor to questions. Which initiated an interesting discussion on the importance of privacy in the post-app era. Where Paul explained the best approach to addressing privacy concerns among users is to clearly explain the benefits the features offer. By explaining how their data will be used specifically in relation to those features.
As Paul explains, the post-app era is a huge topic and will have different uses for different industries. But to win in the post-app era, you must strategically approach the new opportunities it presents. Fully assessing which departments or internal processes will benefit most from mobile and digitisation. You’ll need to experiment with emerging technologies and alter the metrics of success for your mobile app. Following this, you’ll also need to create an agile ecosystem that keeps you at the cutting edge of your industry.
For more insights on the post-app era and the future of mobile, follow @soninapps on Twitter.