Creating a successful enterprise or consumer app stems from understanding how your users will engage with it in the future. In order to future proof your app it’s important that you both research upcoming trends and understand your audience’s requirements. Following this you can construct your app based on what your users want. By doing so you’ll save costs and gain an advantage in your respective industry. Developing an app with the users in mind will ultimately attracting more users going forward.
Whether you’re looking to drive brand loyalty or make your employees more engaged in the workplace, the need to plan for the future remains the same. Our Managing Director Paul Jarrett (below) discusses how important it is to future proof your app. He explains how new technology impacts the market and why our perceptions of mobile apps continue to change.
He says:
Want to know more ways to future proof your app and ‘setting up for success’?
Paul discusses the evolution of mobile apps in greater detail in our webinar, ‘How to future-proof your app for tomorrow’s user’. You can also view the rest of our video series on our YouTube Channel here.
Full Video Transcript for how to future proof your app here…
So a lot of the stuff we talk to clients about at the start of their projects on the outset is around what we call Setting up For Success, which is really a little bit about future proofing. Because ultimately we don’t really know what’s coming next in the world.
We know that at the moment we’re talking about bots and we’re talking about voice activated assistants. We’re talking about experiences in the real world. But we don’t really know necessarily now exactly how those are going to play out over the next few years.
One thing we do know, is that people will still be out there. They’ll still be interacting with our brands. But the exact way they do that may well be slightly different to how they do it today.
So, the early stage conversations we tend to have is trying to understand a little bit more about how our consumers are interacting with us as a company. Almost breaking down to the verbs that they’re going to use when talking to us through whatever that medium is.
We then kind of facilitate this and break it out into an API, we look at what we’re going to need to do to make the experiences seamless, whether that’s single sign on for example so that as you move from your voice activated assistant to your mobile phone to your in store experience that the whole thing is seamless and that the data goes with you.
So these early stage conversations tend to lead to a bigger picture that then means that we have the core databases. That we have everything in place for how those things are going to interact.
This then means that we can iterate a lot quicker. And as new platforms come out we can really make the most of them. We can facilitate faster, sharper customer experiences. And we can ultimately make the most of what it is we’re providing to our clients.