To fully gauge how organisations are moving away from the ‘traditional’ office, first requires us to understand today’s employees. Understand how they are also drifting from their traditional role in the workplace and adopting flexible working. Enterprise mobility, cloud-based solutions and BYOD policies in the workplace mean that employees are no longer confined to their desks. Including 9-5 working hours and dated technology to do their jobs. They’re now more engaged, focused and connected than ever before, and there’s nothing that anyone can do about it.
Earlier this year a report published by Lancaster University’s Work Foundation showed that the UK is on the verge of what they referred to as a flexible working ‘tipping point’. The concept of working remotely away from the office is not only becoming accepted but encouraged amongst businesses. The same report also shows that by 2017, 50% of organisations in the UK are likely to be adopting flexible working. This amount is expected to surpass 70% by the year 2020.
There is a fear of missing out on qualified employees. It’s a key reason why organisations are adopting flexible working and veering away from the traditional office.1.9 million individuals don’t apply for a position they’re qualified for due to inflexible working policies. As well as not being provided adequate resources to do their job, making businesses act fast.
Although a number of factors contribute to flexible working, its popularity in more recent years exquisitely demonstrates how businesses today are increasingly reliant on (mobile) technology to suit today’s employees. Employees are more frequently away from the traditional working environment. Whether they’re in client meetings, travelling or working from home. Without presentation software, mobile intranets and remote access to emails, how would businesses go about keeping these employees engaged and focused on the task at hand? Certainly a tough task!
What are organisations doing about it?
Organisations are achieving this by adopting enterprise mobility into their businesses whilst moving away from the traditional office setup. Although today’s employee is no longer based in the traditional office, organisations are ensuring that they remain productive, efficient and engaged in the task at hand, by providing them with enterprise apps. The 2015 Apperian Enterprise App Trend report and survey shows that the mean number of apps across all participating businesses is 35 while the median number is 13, and growing as we speak.
Enterprise apps suit today’s employees who are drifting away from the traditional office as they still allow them to complete business tasks like they would if they were in front of a desk. Employees are able to stay connected on the go, communicate with colleagues and even work offline whilst completing business tasks wherever they may be.
We’re also seeing more organisations move away from the traditional office thanks to the introduction of reliable internet solutions. More of us now have 4G and soon-to-be 5G data as part of our mobile phone plans. And we have access to high-speed broadband at home, in our favourite coffee shops and even on public transport. This means that businesses are comfortable sending employees away to work in these locations, to get their jobs done.
Budget cuts and the need to reduce office overheads where possible is also affecting the traditional office. However, businesses will always look to grow, connect and manage their workforce where possible to meet the demands of their trade. And they’re looking towards enterprise technology to achieve both of objectives. Although today’s employees are no longer working in the same location as each other they’re only a click or swipe of a button away. Making collaborations seamless, stress-free and effective.
How is today’s employee engaging with digital?
Businesses that decide to adopt enterprise mobility will be appealing to employees. Particularly those who are currently in the midst of a cultural shift. We’re seeing them engage with mobile apps more than any other form of digital media, both in and outside of the workplace. A report from Ofcom shows that seven in 10 adults use apps to consume information. They spend an average of 127 minutes per day on their native mobile counterparts. In addition to this, 60% of employees state that they use apps for work-related activity away from the ‘traditional’ office.
The arrival of enterprise mobility and mobile apps is allowing organisations to move away from the traditional office. And all businesses must be aware of the advantages of the technology. A combination of cultural, social, technical and economic factors are now making businesses rethink their internal strategies. And moving away from their traditional routes to align themselves with the development of new technology, and stay ahead of the game.
If your organisation is looking for new technology to help cater to your employees, we’d like to hear about your plans and offer our assistance. Get in touch today by clicking the link or starting a conversation with us through the LiveChat portal on the bottom right hand of your screen.
This article on adopting flexible working was originally published on Enterprise Apps Tech
What to know more about adopting flexible working?
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